Symmetry Radial¶
The symmetry operator in the Layer Editor allows drawing with mulitple symmetry radial axes without being destructive. Indeed, all symmetry radial axes can be moved, mirrored or oriented differently without altering the drawing.
Canvas view¶
In the Canvas View, several interactions are possible with the gizmo of Symmetry Radial.
By default, the symmetry radial axis is placed at the center of the canvas.
Move the axes¶
If the circle is moved to the center of the symmetry radial axis in the canvas, it can then be moved.
Rotate the axes¶
In the canvas, the symmetry radial axis can be oriented differently. By holding down the Shift key, it will snap to angles.
Set number of axes¶
In the canvas, the number of symmetry axes can be selected.
The properties are visible in the Layer Operator Properties.
Keep axis shown¶
It visualizes the axis even when the operator is not selected and if it is on the current focus route.
Number of axes¶
Set the number of axes from 2 to 48.
In each sector of the radial symmetry, it is possible to define whether the drawing is cut at the axis or overlaps from one sector to another.
Mandala creates symmetry within a sector of the radial symmetry, and this symmetry can either fuse or overlap within the area.
The "position" parameter allows the radial symmetry to be moved along the X and Y axes, or to be automatically recentered.
The "rotation" parameter allows the radial symmetry to rotate, either 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise.